Voyage:Antithesis is not enough

Antithesis is not enough

Over the past few weeks, Antithesis has been all the rage in the tech world, especially on HackerNews. The proposition (though not the execution) is simple: A deterministic hypervisor to aid in debugging of so-called Heisenbugs, i.e. bugs that happen due to nondeterministic effects of OS scheduling, I/O times etc. In this article, we're going to take a short look at what this enables in terms of debugging, and why the properties of such a deterministic hypervisor alone are not enough.

That being said, I haven't used Antithesis, so this article may be inaccurate in some places. Most of what I could gather about how it works is from their blog posts and marketing material (which is hopefully accurate) and comparing that to my experience from writing Supposition.jl, a property based testing framework for Julia.

Determinism in Testing

Before we get to concrete difficulties, let's first take a small detour about determinism in testing, with examples using Supposition.jl. The example I'm using in this section is based on the talk Property-testing async code in Rust to build reliable distributed systems by Antonio Scandurra. If you're already familiar with Antithesis and/or deterministic property based testing, you can probably skip this bit. If you're interested in the full example code I'm using here, see this gist.

So, why is determinism for testing a big deal? Simply put, without determinism you have to be lucky while debugging rare failures. EXTREMELY lucky. Not only does someone/some CI job have to hit your specific bug, but without determinism you'll often have a hard time reproducing the failure, slowing down a potential fix immensely. Let's look at an example:

function run_test(exe::Executor)
    t = @spawn exe begin
        @debug "Starting test"
        l = ReentrantLock()
        data = Ref(0)

        future1 = @spawn exe begin
            @debug "Future 1 scheduled"
            @lock l begin
                if data[] == 0
                    data[] += 1
            @debug "Done with 1!"

        future2 = @spawn exe begin
            @debug "Future 2 scheduled"
            @lock l begin
                if data[] == 1
                    data[] += 1
            @debug "Done with 2!"

        @debug "Done with subtasks!"
        @lock l begin
    res = @something block_on(exe, t) Some(nothing)
    res == 2

This is a very small function making use of the asynchronous runtime used in Julia, with some small abstractions sprinkled on top to allow for custom Rust-like executors to be passed in. The task is to spawn two futures and increment a shared mutable object that's being protected by a lock if some condition is fulfilled. The first future only increments if the data is zero, while the second only increments if the data is one. Finally, we check that the ultimate result is 2, i.e. we expect future1 to execute first, followed by future2.

This code has a race condition - if future2 executes before future1 does, we only end up with data holding 1 (incremented by future1). There's two ways to schedule the two futures, so we'd expect the test to fail 50% of the time. However, that's not what happens - if we pass in a BaseExecutor (a Rust-like executor that just falls back on the default Julia runtime), we get very consistent results:

julia> count( run_test(BaseExecutor()) for _ in 1:1_000 )

Out of 1000 executions, 994 returned true - i.e., almost all executions just happened to schedule the two futures in the "happy" order, avoiding the race condition. future1 executed first, incrementing the shared state to 1, followed by future2, incrementing the shared state to 2. Only a tiny fraction of executions managed to hit the race condition! What's worse is that running the test locally is also just as unlikely to produce that failure:

julia> run_test(BaseExecutor())

julia> run_test(BaseExecutor())

julia> run_test(BaseExecutor())

julia> run_test(BaseExecutor())

julia> run_test(BaseExecutor())

Of course, this is a tiny and artificial example, but these kinds of rare failures are exactly the kinds of heisenbugs that are difficult to debug when they do occur. Note how there is no I/O or even randomness involved - the only variable is the order futures are scheduled in.

We can do slightly better if we use a deterministic scheduler:

julia> count( run_test(ConcurrentExecutor(i)) for i in 1:1_000 )

In contrast to BaseExecutor (which just spawns the future eagerly and blocks as usual), ConcurrentExecutor takes a seed value and randomly schedules tasks based on that, instead of a naive FIFO. This is already much better; we get a roughly 50% failure rate, which is exactly what we expected to get in the first place! Moreover, because the scheduling decisions are purely based on the seed, any individual failure is tied to precisely that seed, so we can always perfectly reproduce any given failure:

# find any failure
julia> findfirst( !run_test(ConcurrentExecutor(i)) for i in 1:1_000 )

julia> run_test(ConcurrentExecutor(2))

julia> run_test(ConcurrentExecutor(2))

julia> run_test(ConcurrentExecutor(2))

Eager async

Unlike async in Rust, async code in Julia (through the most commonly used APIs) is executed eagerly, and there's no callback possible to hook into for when a future yields to the runtime (which is necessary for controlling re-scheduling). As such, more complicated examples involving I/O or actual reliance on parallel execution of spawned tasks quickly fall apart, which is why I haven't released these Rust-like executors as a standalone package.

This is a situation where Antithesis can help, because it makes the underlying scheduling decisions reproducible within Antithesis, even for BaseExecutor. If such a failure occurs in Antithesis-hosted CI, you can at least reproduce it in a local Antithesis instance. Of course, this doesn't help at all if a failure occurs on the machine of a user, where you're not necessarily running under a deterministic OS. Moreover, determinism by itself doesn't make it more likely to encounter a failure; for that you need some kind of "malicious" scheduler like ConcurrentExecutor that actively tries to induce these kinds of failures in a deterministic way. If you have such a deterministic executor in your application, you have a much better chance at reproducing failures locally when they're only occuring on some OS/hardware of your customers.

Shrinking Examples

Ok, so much for asynchronous code, but surely the situation is better when it comes to synchronous code, right? Well.. to answer that, we'll have to learn about what "shrinking" is when it comes to property based testing.

Simply put, "shrinking" refers to the process of transforming some (possibly large) input that causes a test failure into a smaller input that causes the same failure. For instance, for the property iseven, any odd number results in a failure/returning false. This can be 7, 99, 23456721 or any other odd number. Property based testing libraries take that input and (depending on their design) "shrink" that input to a smaller example. In this case, we'd likely end up with 1:

julia> using Supposition

julia> data = Any[]; # store the failures somewhere

julia> function shrinkExample(p)
           iseven(p) && return true
           # record failures in our memory
           push!(data, p)
shrinkExample (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> @check db=false shrinkExample(Data.Integers{UInt8}());
┌ Error: Property doesn't hold!
│   Description = "shrinkExample"
│   Example = (0x01,)
└ @ Supposition ~/Documents/projects/Supposition.jl/src/testset.jl:292
Test Summary: | Fail  Total  Time
shrinkExample |    1      1  0.0s

julia> data
6-element Vector{Any}:

The initial failure was 0x17 (or 23 in decimal) and successfull shrinks reduced the input to 0x01 (or just 1 in decimal), which is a minimal counterexample for iseven on UInt8.


This example is purposefully simple - Supposition.jl can do much more complex shrinks of composite objects out of the box. Check out the documentation if you're interested!

For such a simple property, shrinking was straightforward. The statespace of the input is relatively small (just 256 states), and half of those will result in a failure. However, even slightly more complicated examples will give much worse results (through no fault of the shrinking process). For example, consider this function that checks whether the third element in a random vector is not 0x5:

function third_is_not_five(v)
   # we can assume `v` has at least 5 elements, fill those with random data
   v .= rand(UInt8, 5)
   v[3] != 0x5

We can run this for a number of inputs and see that this property does fail every so often, albeit inconsistently:

julia> findfirst(!third_is_not_five(rand(UInt8, 5)) for _ in 1:10_000 )

julia> findfirst(!third_is_not_five(rand(UInt8, 5)) for _ in 1:10_000 )

julia> findfirst(!third_is_not_five(rand(UInt8, 5)) for _ in 1:10_000 )

If we now try to find a counterexample with Supposition.jl, we find something intriguing:

julia> using Supposition

# generate random `Vector{UInt8}` with 5 elements
julia> vec = Data.Vectors(Data.Integers{UInt8}();min_size=5,max_size=5);

julia> @check third_is_not_five(vec);
┌ Error: Property doesn't hold!
│   Description = "third_is_not_five"
│   Example = (UInt8[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00],)
└ @ Supposition ~/Documents/projects/Supposition.jl/src/testset.jl:292
Test Summary:     | Fail  Total  Time
third_is_not_five |    1      1  0.0s

Supposition.jl finds the minimum input - it's completely filled with 0x0! This makes sense, because we're replacing the contents of the vector we're putting into third_is_not_five with random data, and only then check whether the property holds. We can record that data with event!, and inspect it in the final report afterwards:

julia> @check function third_is_not_five(v=vec)
           v .= rand(UInt8, 5)
           event!("ACTUAL DATA", v)
           v[3] != 5
Events occured: 1
        UInt8[0xf7, 0x46, 0x05, 0x71, 0x1e]
┌ Error: Property doesn't hold!
│   Description = "third_is_not_five"
│   Example = (v = UInt8[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00],)
└ @ Supposition ~/Documents/projects/Supposition.jl/src/testset.jl:292
Test Summary:     | Fail  Total  Time
third_is_not_five |    1      1  0.0s

And now we can see that indeed, the third element of the actual data we're checking is 0x05. Unfortunately, all of the other data is a jumbled mess, and Supposition.jl did seemingly nothing to shrink that. This is not quite true - Supposition.jl is able to reproduce that exact failure again if we rerun the test:

julia> @check third_is_not_five(vec)
Events occured: 1
        UInt8[0xf7, 0x46, 0x05, 0x71, 0x1e]
┌ Error: Property doesn't hold!
│   Description = "third_is_not_five"
│   Example = (UInt8[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00],)
└ @ Supposition ~/Documents/projects/Supposition.jl/src/testset.jl:292
Test Summary:     | Fail  Total  Time
third_is_not_five |    1      1  0.0s

The problem is that the relationship between the RNG object used by rand (a Xoshiro256++, for the curious) and that test failure is quite complicated. For any individual invocation of rand(UInt8), we'd expect to get 0x05 with a probability of 1/256. For the 10_000 examples Supposition.jl tries by default, we'd expect to see a five 39 times, which is quite rare. In total, there are 256^5 different Vector{UInt8} of length 5, and only 256^4 of those have a 5 in position 3. Supposition.jl does control the seed of the RNG object, but figuring that relationship out while also shrinking data is, by the nature of Xoshiro256++ being a good PRNG, very difficult. The relationship between the seed and values in the vector is highly nonlinear, and there may not even be a seed that produces the minimal example at all!

Antithesis & Meta knowledge

For Antithesis, this is a problem - from what I could gather, it has no such "meta knowledge" about the data an application generates, so it must immediately run into the same problems Supposition.jl runs in when we just generate some data with rand. The people behind Antithesis know this, which is why their talk about running Super Mario focuses most of its time on how a programmer can guide Antithesis towards "better" executions that get Mario farther into levels, as well as on how to model Super Mario in such a way as to make it likely to hit good inputs.

Of course, if we don't rely on the randomness of rand directly but instead check the generated vector, Supposition.jl has no problems to minimize the example as far as possible:

julia> @check function third_is_not_five(v=vec)
           event!("ACTUAL DATA", v)
           v[3] != 5
Events occured: 1
        UInt8[0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00]
┌ Error: Property doesn't hold!
│   Description = "third_is_not_five"
│   Example = (v = UInt8[0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00],)
└ @ Supposition ~/Documents/projects/Supposition.jl/src/testset.jl:292
Test Summary:     | Fail  Total  Time
third_is_not_five |    1      1  0.0s

This is because Supposition.jl has much more knowledge about the vector it generated itself than is known just from the seed of the RNG. This additional structure allows it to shrink properly and more targeted than if it had to shrink purely through an RNG seed.

This too is not a panacea though - if we put in 64-bit UInt instead of 8-bit UInt8, the test passes even for a million random inputs:

julia> uint_vec = Data.Vectors(Data.Integers{UInt}();min_size=5,max_size=5);

julia> @check db=false max_examples=1_000_000 function third_is_not_five(v=uint_vec)
           event!("ACTUAL DATA", v)
           v[3] != 5
Test Summary:     | Pass  Total  Time
third_is_not_five |    1      1  1.9s

And still the same for ten million inputs:

julia> @check db=false max_examples=10_000_000 function third_is_not_five(v=uint_vec)
           event!("ACTUAL DATA", v)
           v[3] != 5
Test Summary:     | Pass  Total   Time
third_is_not_five |    1      1  18.6s

This once again comes back around to probabilities. With UInt, it's exceedingly unlikely to hit exactly 5 in the third position at all, so Supposition.jl never encounters a counterexample it could shrink. The probabilities for hitting e.g. data races or otherwise extremely rare failures just get worse as programs & their statespaces grow larger. There are some techniques you can use to help Supposition.jl along (e.g. nudging the generation process in a certain direction with target!), but those come at the cost of requiring quite a lot of domain specific knowledge to use correctly.


The people behind Anthithesis are well aware of these problems, which is why they're not just selling a deterministic hypervisor, but also an API to give guidance for debugging. A brief look at the SDKs suggest that they're very bare bones for now, and don't seem to provide any shrinking capability of their own (though some comments on HackerNews suggest that the Antithesis team is actively working on that, so this will probably improve with time).

That said, there's also the fact that a deterministic OS gives you much more than just scheduling reproducibility, such as deterministic RAM contents and I/O timing (up to a minimum the operation takes, I guess?), which may be immensely helpful for some failures in e.g. code you as a developer don't have control over. This, combined with active fault injection is already a huge boon, but as shown above, having a way to produce any fault is not sufficient for producing good faults.

My gut feeling is that running deterministic property based tests inside of a system like Antithesis is a good idea. Even better if you can leverage determinism in your actual application as well, e.g. by using a deterministic scheduler/executor to allow exact reproducibility of issues encountered by your users. Even with those capabilities, just running/testing your application under Antithesis (while undoubtedly helpful & a good idea) doesn't remove having to think carefully about how & where to ensure your application has the properties you want it to have.

In terms of testing & reliability overall, these are certainly amazing developments. The future of testing is very exciting, and I hope more people use this approach over conventional testing!