
Hello there! I'm Valentin Bogad / Sukera.

I'm an avid Julia users (started in ~2017, right around the transition from 0.5 to 0.6), performance enthusiast and otherwise interested-in-all-kinds-of-things person. I've previously also used Java, C#, C, C++, Rust, Python and a tiny bit of HLSL.

I spend a large amount of my free time helping people on the internet with the technical difficulties they encounter when using Julia, ranging from performance to design & code architectural issues. I specialize in making code go fast, no matter the language, as long as there's a way to profile it. Sometimes this requires restructuring existing code or architecting a new solution, depending on the severity of the issue, which is part of the fun! In recent times I've also dabbled a bit in compilers and thinking about static compilation in Julia, and I'm also the maintainer of Supposition.jl and PropCheck.jl, which are property based testing frameworks/fuzzers for Julia (the former is much more featureful than the latter).

If what I wrote above and/or what I write about in my blogposts sounds interesting to you, feel free to contact me under valentin (at-symbol) bogad (dot-mark) at. I've previously worked as a software engineer and also as system administrator. There also was a time where I was teaching Java to first & second semester undergrad students in the form of a tutoring position. The views, opinions and all other stuff on here are my own.

What I decide to share here is generally licensed as CC-BY-SA 4.0, unless noted otherwise. That includes both prose and code, should any be shared. Do note that individual snippets may not run on their own and may require external code, which may be licensed differently (I usually use EUPLv1.2 for my open source packages though). My github projects are licensed on a project-by-project basis - please check the respective repositories for licensing information.

You can find me on other channels as well: