Why write a new package? What about PropCheck.jl?

PropCheck.jl is based on the Haskell library Hedgehog, while Supposition.jl is based on Hypothesis. For a detailed look into the differences between these (as well as QuickCheck), I've written up a small comparison on my blog. Some understanding of property based testing is required, but the TL;DR is that the approaches taken by these two frameworks are fundamentally different.

Originally, I was planning on only investigating what Hypothesis did differently from Hedgehog and incorporating the results of that investigation into PropCheck.jl, but once I learned how different the approaches truly are, I quickly realized that marrying the two would be more work and likely less fruitful than just porting Hypothesis directly. My resolve in that regard had only grown stronger after porting MiniThesis to Julia, which this package is ultimately also based on. So far, I have found the core of the package to be extremely solid, and I don't expect that to change.

Some of the upsides I've noticed while using Supposition.jl so far is that it's much, MUCH easier to wrap your head around than PropCheck.jl ever was. Even after working on & thinking about Hedgehog & PropCheck.jl for more than 4 years, I still get lost in its internals. I don't see that happening with Supposition.jl; I can confidently say that I am (for the moment) able to keep the entire package in my head. Another big upside is that, as far as I can tell, Supposition.jl is much faster than PropCheck.jl, even after the latter received extensive type stability analysis and performance improvements out of necessity. I haven't done the same for Supposition.jl so far - be sure to check out the Benchmarks section for a direct comparison. Of course, only part of this is due to the underlying approach of Hypothesis vs. Hedgehog. Sticking to a much more functional & function-based implementation with PropCheck.jl is sure to hold the package back, and perhaps the situation would be different with a more data-oriented approach.

What can Supposition.jl do that PropCheck.jl can't?

While there is a big overlap in capabilities between the two, there are a number of things that Supposition.jl can very easily do that would require a major rework of the internals of PropCheck.jl. Here's a small (incomplete) list:

  • Shrink examples that lead to an error
  • Easily use temporal & stateful property tests
  • Reproducibly replay previously found counterexamples (with caveats regarding external state)
  • Generate values based on the values that were put into a test, and have those values in turn shrink just as well as the values that were put in while preserving the invariants they were generated under.

What feature X of PropCheck.jl corresponds to feature Y of Supposition.jl?

The following is a short overview/feature comparison between PropCheck.jl and Supposition.jl. It may not be a perfect match for all functionality - be sure to check the documentation of each respective feature to learn about their minute differences!

Checking Interfacecheck(<prop>, <AbstractIntegrated>)@check prop(<Data.Possibility>) or @check function prop(arg=<Data.Possibility>, ...) # ...use args... end
mapmap(<func>, <AbstractIntegrated>)map(<func>, <Data.Possibility>)
filterfilter(<pred>, <AbstractIntegrated>)filter(<pred>, <Data.Possibility>)
composition through combinationinterleave(integ::AbstractIntegrated...)@composed function comp(a=<Data.Possibility>, ...) # ...use args... end
VectorsPropCheck.vector(len::AbstractIntegrated, objs::AbstractIntegrated)`Data.Vectors(objs::Data.Possibility; minsize=0, maxsize=...)
TuplesPropCheck.tuple(len::AbstractIntegrated, objs::AbstractIntegrated)Currently unsupported, but could be added in a PR
IntegersPropCheck.inegint/PropCheck.iposintData.Integers(min, max)
Floating pointPropCheck.ifloat(T) and its variantsData.Floats{T}(; infs=<Bool>, nans=<Bool>)
StringsPropCheck.str(len::AbstractIntegrated, alphabet::AbstractIntegrated)Data.Text(::Possibility{Char}; min_len=0, max_len=...)
Stateful generationIntegratedOnceUnsupported due to deterministic replaying of finite generators being tricky
IntegratedFiniteIteratorUnsupported due to deterministic replaying of finite generators being tricky
IntegratedLengthBoundedUnsupported due to deterministic replaying of finite generators being tricky
IntegratedChainUnsupported due to deterministic replaying of finite generators being tricky
PropCheck.iuniqueUnsupported due to deterministic replaying of finite generators being tricky
Generation of constant dataPropCheck.iconst(x)Data.Just(x)
Generation from CollectionsIntegratedRange(x)/PropCheck.isampleData.SampledFrom(x)
Generation of shrinkable constantsIntegratedVal(x)Unsupported until custom shrinking functions are added, see #25
Type-based generationPropCheck.itypeUnsupported for now, see #21 for more information (it's coming though! And smarter than PropCheck.jl too ;) ).

Can I use Supposition.jl to test an MIT/proprietary/other licensed project?


Supposition.jl is licensed under the EUPLv1.2, which means that modifications to Supposition.jl also need to be licensed under the EUPLv1.2 (and various other obligations). However, simply using Supposition.jl in a testsuite of any project has no influence on the license of that project (or even the testsuite), because the EUPLv1.2 is not a "viral" copyleft license. There is no risk of having to license your MIT/proprietary/other licensed project under the EUPLv1.2, because under European law (which the EUPLv1.2 defaults to, even if you're outside of the EU as either licensor or licensee) linking computer programs for the purposes of interoperability is exempt from copyright, which is the cause of "virality" in other licenses.

For more information about using Supposition.jl in a commercial setting, see EUPL and Proprietary / Commercial use, written by Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz, who has written extensive analysis of the EUPL under EU law. For more information about the EUPL in general see European Union Public Licence Guidelines. For more information about copyright in the EU in general, see Directive 2009/24/EC.