About Interfaces

This package is built around the assumption that an abstract type describes an informal interface. In this page, we're going to look at why I think this is the expected interpretation for what an abstract type is, as well as what this means for the (possible) future of interfaces and traits.

Types in Julia

Before we get into the semantic meaning of abstract types, it's good to establish a baseline about the kinds of types we have in Julia as part of the user facing API (deliberately NOT what the compiler internally uses!), how they relate to each other and what ought to hold in these relations.

So, these are the basic kinds of types Julia knows about:

  • abstract types
    • e.g. Integer or Real
    • This also includes the Any type
  • struct types
    • e.g. Module or Base.TTY (the type of stdout)
  • primitive types
    • e.g. Int64 or Float64
  • Unions of types
    • e.g. Union{Real, String} or Union{Module, Int64}
    • This also includes the empty Union{}
  • UnionAlls over a type
    • e.g. Array{T,N} where {T,N} or Val{N} where N
    • This family of types more-or-less works like an abstract type for our purposes.

These five objects are our main point of interest. There are also some special types, like Type and DataType, but those are (for the most part) internal implementation details for giving some type to the type objects above, or are dispatch hacks and not relevant for this discussion.

In general, these types are arranged in a lattice, formed by ordering according to <:, the subtype relation.

This lattice has the following properties. The first five properties follow directly from being a lattice; the sixth is a result of our type system.

  • For all types T, T <: Any is true.
    • More informally, Any is the topmost type in the lattice (thus also called Top).
  • For no types T other than T === Any does Any <: T hold.
    • More informally, the only supertype of Any is Any itself.
  • For all types T, Union{} <: T is true.
    • More informally, Union{} is the bottommost type in the lattice (thus also called Bottom).
  • For no types T other than T === Union{} does T <: Union{} hold.
    • More informally, the only subtype of Union{} is Union{}.
  • For all types T, T <: T is true.
    • All types are their own subtype.
  • For all types T, if isconcretetype(T) is true, then the only types S for which S <: T is true are S === Union{} and S === T.
    • This is the requirement that concrete types cannot be subtyped; they are (almost) direct supertypes of Union{}, though supertypes(Union{}) can't show us that (the set is not enumerable, because it grows with new struct & type definitions and UnionAlls make a mess of things through virtue of being infinitely large).
    • Note that if !isconcretetype(T), this property has no effect - we can add a new abstract type below an existing abstract type, effectively inserting it inbetween Union{} <: T like Union{} <: S <: T.

There are some other properties the type lattice has, but these are the ones relevant for this discussion, so we'll leave it at that. An informal description of the lattice is "I can do potentially everything with an Any", "I can do nothing at all with a Union{}" and "I can do something with any type inbetween".

Stated differently, we can expect nothing in particular of an Any, we can expect exactly that we can't do anything with a Union{} and we can expect something of any type inbetween.

Stated yet differently, we don't get any guarantees from an object whose type we only know as Any, we get exactly the guarantee that we can do nothing from an object whose type we only know as Union{}, and we can expect some guarantees from objects whose type lies inbetween Any and Union{}.

And stated yet differently, we can say that objects of type Any are minimally restrictive (they can do anything), objects of type Union{} are maximally restrictive (they can do nothing), and objects inbetween have some restriction.

What we're interested in here is that something, and how it relates to the notion of an interface. For these purposes, UnionAlls behave exactly like abstract types (though with some additional features), so we're going to treat them as one entity.

Abstract Types & Behavioral Subtyping

Imagine we didn't have any types in our type lattice. It would look like this:

Union{} <: Any  

and that's it. If we now define a new abstract type Foo end, it's implicitly placed beneath Any:

Union{} <: Foo <: Any

just as if we had written abstract type Foo <: Any end instead.

We can place more types, abstract type Bar <: Foo end, this time specifying Foo as the direct supertype. This results in this lattice:

Union{} <: Bar <: Foo <: Any

Note that we still have Union{} <: Foo, either directly or by transitivity through Bar, due to Union{} <: Bar and Bar <: Foo both being true.

Imagine now we have a function:

function myFunc(x::Any)

which does nothing more than return its argument. The type signature annotates the argument x as Any, declaring to any caller "I don't expect anything in particular from x, you can pass in anything".

Now, our subtyping declarations in our lattice communicate that objects of type Foo should dispatch in function calls just like Any does, so calling myFunc on an object of type Foo ought to work just the same as if the type were only Any. The same is true for Bar - we'd expect objects of type Bar to dispatch, and thus behave, the same as objects of all transitive supertypes.

The astute reader will have noticed a slight inaccuracy in the above - in Julia, we can't actually have any objects whose type is either Foo, Bar, Union{} or Any; every object has a concrete type, not an abstract, Union or even UnionAll type. If we now introduce a concrete type struct Concrete <: Bar end:

Union{} <: Concrete <: Bar <: Foo <: Any

We can truly say that objects of type Concrete ought to be possible to pass into myFunc, and similarly any function that has an argument that's either unrestricted in its type or is explicitly typed Any. Said differently, any function which has arguments that are typed Any must not throw an error upon trying to call it with any object (though whether that call returns some form of a successful result is a different matter).

There are some implications with nesting function calls. For example, if we have a function myAdd:

function myAdd(a,b)
    a + b

our function may claim to accept anything, but the fact that we then call +(a,b) imposes an implicit constraint on both a and b - they are no longer truly typed Any, but rather a type that we can't describe in our lattice. We may say that a is typed "Anything that can be used as the first argument to +" and b is typed "Anything that can be used as the second argument to +". A priori, this is ok - when we put two Concrete objects into myAdd, the call to myAdd succeeds - it is only the call to + (which we haven't defined on Concrete, and no fallback actually accepting plain Any exists) that actually fails.

So what we've effectively done is restrict the abstract types of a and b to conform to some interface, that is + must be defined on their types. We could encode this information in an abstract type, abstract type Addable end:

Union{} <: Addable <: Any

and annotate our myAdd with it, signaling to callers that they need to implement + in order to call myAdd:

function myAdd(a::Addable, b::Addable)
    a + b

We've now successfully lifted the implicit requirement that + must be callable to myAdd, by restricting the argument types of myAdd. Effectively, (myFunc, +(::Addable, ::Addable)) form an interface, i.e. a function and the requirements for using that function. In type parlance, we may say "myFunc has as preconditions on a and b that they subtype Addable" as well as "+ must implement a method that takes two Addable".

In the context of this package (and more generally, Julia as a whole) though, the main players really are Addable and +, not myFunc. There's nothing we as users have to do to make myFunc work, once we have implemented + on our type T <: Addable, as that is the sole requirement needed to be able to call myFunc. The important thing is though, because we subtype Addable and thus claim to conform to the requirements of myFunc, we can treat the abstract type Addable itself as the interface we need to be concerned with, as far as dispatch and not throwing a MethodError goes. Thus, we can say that subtyping Addable is a statement of conformity to the requirements that Addable has, as well as an assurance that our type can give at least the same, if not stronger guarantees, as other types who subtype Addable can and/or need to be able to give.

Unfortunately, this kind of dependency is currently implicit in Julia. This is what @required allows a library to change - by making the expected interface explicit, implementors can check that they conform to the implicit interface that Addable or any other abstract type at minimum requires.

Note that this does not preclude Addable from being used in other functions; for example a third party package that's working with Addable objects may define a function like

function myThirdParty(::Addable)
    println("Got an Addable")

and while the guarantees provided by the Addable interface/type (there is a method on + taking two Addable) are not actually used by myThirdParty, myThirdParty is free to require it anyway, without impacting what Addable requires of subtypes to implement in order to conform to its specification.

Unions of types

A Union of types more or less communicates "I can be one of these; assume only the intersection of their guarantees". In a concrete example, if we have a function like

function myUnionFunc(sarr::Union{String,Vector{UInt8}})

we may only assume to be able to call functions that claim to be callable with objects of either type. In essence, a Union widens the possible values of sarr, by weakening the guarantees we get from the type. In order to write correct code, we mustn't assume more of sarr than we can infer from Union{String, Vector{UInt8}}, unless we guard that assumption behind either an explicit type check, or a function barrier that disambiguates the Union:

function myUnionFunc(sarr::Union{String,Vector{UInt8}})
    if sarr isa String
        sarr *= '!'
        push!(sarr, UInt8('!'))


function myUnionFunc(sarr::Union{String,Vector{UInt8}})

pushpend!(s::String) = s*'!'
pushpend!(a::Vector{UInt8}) = push!(a, UInt8('!'))

Multiple Abstract Subtyping

Anyone cursorly familiar with abstract types and interfaces in Julia is going to come across the issue of wanting to implement more than one interface, and being able to communicate to others that they have done so. Most commonly, this comes up when implementing the AbstractArray interface, as well as the iteration interface - most types that wish to be treated like an AbstractArray are also iterable in one form or another. The situation can of course arise in any number of situations where more than one interface (or abstract type) needs to be implemented.

This presents multiple issues:

  • While AbstractArray can be subtyped, it may not always be desirable to do so, perhaps because there is some other guarantees that a package author wants to give of their objects and/or has multiple similar objects that should conform to the same interface, grouping them under a common abstract supertype.
  • If there are multiple possible "variants" of the abstract supertype that are not quite mutually exclusive, we can't easily communicate the requirements of those not-quite mutually exclusive subtypes through either abstract types.
  • Barring being able to make the abstract supertype subtype AbstractArray (and by extension, the concrete subtypes as well), it won't be possible to subtype both AbstractArray and the custom abstract types at the same time.

So what to do?

The currently most often used solution to this issue is a pattern called Holy Types, after Tim Holy, who first prototyped the design in this issue, trying to wrestle this exact issue for one of their types (only it was then DenseArray and StridedArray). It has seen a lot of use over the years, but is not without issues, which we're going to explore shortly.

The general pattern goes like so; we first define an additional abstract type for our trait:

abstract type MyTrait end

followed by various variants of that trait, as well as some functions that decide whether an object supports this trait, falling back to not supporting it:

struct IsTrait end
struct IsNotTrait end

isMyTrait(_) = IsNotTrait()

Now, instead of defining struct Foo <: MyTrait end and annotating our functions as ::MyTrait, we do the following:

struct Foo end

isMyTrait(::Foo) = IsTrait()

myInterfaceFunc(x) = _myInterfaceFunc(isMyTrait(x), x)

_myInterfaceFunc(::IsTrait, x) = "I implement the trait: $(typeof(x))"
_myInterfaceFunc(::IsNotTrait, x) = "I don't implement the trait: $(typeof(x))"

That is, leave the supertype declaration of Foo untyped, define an overload for the trait function isMyTrait(::Foo) to say we support the trait, and finally call that trait function in our entry function to dispatch later on to whether the argument supports the trait or not, and we're now free to have Foo subtype something else entirely.

So instead of

abstract type MyTrait end

struct Foo <: MyTrait end

myInterfaceFunc(x::MyTrait) = "I implement the interface"

we have a layer of indirection, to be able to use dispatch while keeping Foo extensible to other interfaces.

So if in the trait example we want to have Foo implement another interface via traits:

abstract type AnotherTrait end

struct IsAnother <: AnotherTrait end
struct IsNotAnother <: Anothertrait end

isAnother(_) = IsNotAnother()

isAnother(::Foo) = IsAnother()

we can easily do so, making this approach very extensible in terms of allowing Foo to implement more than one interface.

As mentioned above though, there are downsides to this approach. First and foremost, if an interface has not been designed with this pattern in mind, there is no place for other packages to hook into for providing specialized versions for their own traits. That is, myInterfaceFunc needs to be written with this dispatch indirection of _myInterfaceFunc in mind. Worse, myInterfaceFunc only knows about isMyTrait; so at best we can extend MyTrait with new variants, but we cannot have myInterfaceFunc be aware of other traits without modifying the original function to either dispatch on more traits, or replacing isMyTrait with a sort of meta-trait for other traits to hook themselves into. None of this allows non-holy-traits based packages to be extended either way though.

The "way out" I'm envisioning comes back around to remembering what the meaning of subtyping an abstract type is. Remember, when we subtype an abstract type we claim to give the same or stronger guarantees, and fulfill all requirements expected of us from the abstract type. So, under that consideration, it ought to be natural to be able to say that we can have types that declare a subtype relationship with more than one abstract super type, effectively saying that we fulfill the requirements of more than one abstract type. This isn't currently possible in Julia, but let's imagine it is and think about the consequences of what we might want to do.

Importantly, before we do - none of this means that these requirements & guaraantees are machine checkable or formally verified. Everything so far works just as well with "lazy" or only seperate checking of those requirements as it does with SAT based checking.

Without further ado, here's the MyTrait and AnotherTrait example from above. In order to facilitate multiple subtyping, we're going to introduce a new kind of type, the dual to Union - Meet.

What is Meet? Well, in a lattice we can join different branches to find their common successor. This is Union - the common successor of String and Int (both concrete types) is Union{String,Int}, i.e. a type that describes either a String or an Int. Said differently, a Union describes an object of one of multiple types.

Meet is the dual to that - its the common predecessor in the lattice, describing that an object is of two or more types. For example, if we have a Meet{String, Int64} we'd be claiming to have an object that is both a String and an Int64. This may seem odd at first - after all, we can't actually have an object whose concrete type is both the concrete type String and the concrete type Int64, so that type contains no values, like the empty Union{}. However, once we consider creating the Meet of a number of abstract types, the interpretation makes a whole lot more sense - e.g. Meet{AbstractArray, Iterable} would mean "A type that implements both the AbstractArray and Iterable interfaces". This is exactly what we've been trying to do with Holy traits above. This allows us to fix the issues Holy Traits presented, at least partially:

abstract type MyTrait end
abstract type AnotherTrait end

struct Foo <: Meet{MyTrait, AnotherTrait} end

myInterfaceFunc(::MyTrait) = "I'm a MyTrait!"
anotherInterface(::AnotherTrait) = "I'm AnotherTrait!"

and both calls to myInterfaceFunc and anotherInterface succeed without issues when a Foo is put in, as a Foo is both a MyTrait, as well as a AnotherTrait. We can easily change Foo to implement a third interface, without touching that interface definition at all, by simply implementing its required (or perhaps even @required ;) ) methods and adding the interface type to the Meet in the struct declaration of Foo. This is even semver compatible - no existing functionality ought to break by doing this, since the existing interface must still be conformed to.

Similarly to the interpretation of Meet in structs, writing something like abstract type Foo <: Meet{Bar,Baz} end can be interpreted as "subtypes of Foo need to implement/conform to both the Bar and Baz interfaces, as well as any additional guaraantees/requirements of Foo, if there are any".

Now, this isn't to say there aren't issues with Meet - for one, it doesn't allow third parties to extend the supported interfaces of Foo, because which interfaces Foo implements is part of its type definition. This is not an issue with Holy traits, due to their trait opt-in being disconnected from subtyping. This is the flipside of creating traits through dispatch, instead of through subtyping. However, how often this is actually needed/a good idea in practice is questionable - after all, since this is just regular dispatch, it's perfectly possible to just implement an interface on Foo directly, without explicitly subtyping the interface type. The only issue is that this doesn't scale all too well, due to the fact that third party code then too has to implement the interface explicitly for Foo, even if it could already be hooked into through dispatch, were Foo aware of that subtyping relationship. Maybe that's an argument for allowing modification of subtyping relationships after the type has been defined? My gut says that this is an even larger/more problematic change, which would be worked around by upstreaming the implementation of the new interface, if it's of general interest. Another alternative would be to couple the implicitness of the requirements imposed on abstract types closer to dispatch, allowing types that simply implement a required interface to dispatch as if they had declared that subtyping relationship in the first place.

Another argument I've previously heard against Meet was that it could increase ambiguities. For example:

abstract type MyTrait end
abstract type AnotherTrait end

struct Foo <: Meet{MyTrait, AnotherTrait} end

myInterfaceFunc(::MyTrait) = "I'm a MyTrait!"
myInterfaceFunc(::AnotherTrait) = "I'm AnotherTrait!"

When calling myInterfaceFunc(Foo()), there will be an ambiguity error. If there are more arguments to myInterfaceFunc, there are many more opportunities for ambiguities. The only way to break this is to define either myInterfaceFunc(::Foo) or myInterfaceFunc(::Meet{MyTrait, AnotherTrait}).

My counterpoint to this is that we have exactly the same issue with Holy traits, except worse. There we can't even express this kind of relationship with the basic pattern. Consider the example from above again, introducing the Holy traits pattern:

abstract type MyTrait end
abstract type AnotherTrait end

struct IsMyTrait <: MyTrait end
struct IsNotMyTrait <: MyTrait end

struct IsAnother <: AnotherTrait end
struct IsNotAnother <: Anothertrait end

isMyTrait(_) = IsNotMyTrait()
isAnother(_) = IsNotAnother()

isMyTrait(::Foo) = IsMyTrait()
isAnother(::Foo) = IsAnother()

myInterfaceFunc(x) = _myInterfaceFunc(isMyTrait(x), x)

Now, without modifying myInterfaceFunc, we can't define isMyTrait(::Foo) = IsAnotherTrait() to also support that kind of trait, because that would require giving up on MyTrait. We could introduce a second layer of indirection, to perhaps create a Meet-like of the supported traits, but that then exposes the true problem of the ambiguity between which implementation of _myInterfaceFunc we'd like to use, if both exist. The only way out is yet again defining _myInterfaceFunc(::Foo), breaking the ambiguity.

In contrast, since both MyTrait and AnotherTrait share this trait function as part of their interface, Foo ought to have already been aware of the ambiguity, and implemented to specialized version myInterfaceFunc(::Foo) itself directly (or fallen back to myInterfaceFunc(::Meet{MyTrait, AnotherTrait}), should that be available). The aambiguity needs to be broken some way or another, either by the Foo type for itself (it can't define the Meet version without piracy) or by either MyTrait or AnotherTrait via a package extension (ideally in coordinate, as otherwise you may get conflicting definitions overwriting each other).

All of this will need to be discussed & thought through thoroughly though - there is no silver bullet.

Relation to API stability

A related topic to "Abstract types are (implicit) interfaces" is how this interpretation relates to version changes under Semver. If an abstract type declares an (implicit) interface, it follows that changing that interface in a version bump requires considerations regarding stability, in order to not create a breaking change where none was intended. Specifically, if a non-breaking change is desired, at least the following must hold true:

  • A method that wasn't required to be implemented for subtypes must not become required to be implemented.
    • This is because adding a method to the required surface of the interface breaks existing implementations, by causing them to no longer be compliant with the interface.
    • I.e., you can't "grow" an interface. If such an extension is desired, it is better to have a new abstract type subtyping the existing abstract type, with the additional requirements added to that subtype.
  • A method that previously had certain requirements must not demand stronger requirements.
    • This again is because existing implementations may not be able to provide those stronger requirements.
    • An exception can be made if the newer, stronger requirements follow directly from the existing, weaker requirements; i.e. the "stronger" requirements were already there to begin with, but either undocumented or follow from deduction of the existing requirements.
  • A method previously giving some set of guarantees can weaken those guarantees.
    • This is because existing implementations, who provide the older, stronger guarantees, will still be compliant with the interface.
  • A method that was previously required in an interface, can not be made no longer required.
    • This is because code written with the old API surface and its assumptions of what names exist can break if it encounters a type working with the new surface, which may not implement a previously required method.
    • I.e., you can't "shrink" an interface. If such a change is desired, the options are either
      • to deprecate the functionality in a non-breaking change (being careful to keep existing code working!), and remove it in the next breaking change
        • This is easily coupled with moving a method to a subtype of the existing interface, directing users to subtype the subtype instead or by adding a direct supertype which has the weaker semantics (preferable, as that keeps user code the same).
      • or to add a new, distinct type providing the smaller interface and deprecating the old interface entirely

There are certainly more details regarding interface stability between versions - this list is not exhaustive. An attempt at that exhaustiveness specific to Julia was recorded here, though there certainly is room for improvement and a more thorough calculus on what is permitted in terms of a change in API. There is also the possibility of incorporating existing literature into this (most I could find was in regards to empirical studies of API stability in Java, but even those results are bound to be useful). There is also some existing work from the rust community aabout this - see the references list down below.

Finally, the large body of work on preconditions, postconditions & invariants is also related to this topic.


A large part of this discussion is inspired by looking at how other languages design their type system, but especially poignant (and what ultimately sparked my attempt here to equate abstract types with interfaces) was Abstract types have existential type, by Mitchell & Plotkin, 1988.

It's a lucky coincidence that their work, combined with classic Liskov substitution and applied to the Julia type system has this somewhat clean interpretation of abstract types as interfaces just dropping out - in spite of multiple dispatch making things sometimes substantially harder. I attribute most of that lucky coincidence to the design choice not to have abstract types have structure, i.e. the lack of structural inheritance in Julia. Having abstract types only be relevant for dispatch means they map very cleanly to behavioral subtyping, as that is all they can express - they have no structure other than the implicit requirements placed on them by the functions they are passed to.

Admittedly, there are edge cases with Meet, in particular with how Meet and Union interact in dispatch, that I have not yet had the time to fully describe here. I do hope that their interactions fall cleanly out of the lattice geometry, though I haven't checked yet.
