Basic Usage

Property based testing is all about having a function to test and a set of properties that should hold on the outputs of that function, given its inputs. It is, in part, a philosophy of test driven design.

Consider this add function:

function add(a,b)
    a + b

How would we test this? First we have to define the properties we expect to hold. In this case, it's just the laws of addition:

commutative(a,b)   =  add(a,b) == add(b,a)
associative(a,b,c) =  add(add(a,b), c) == add(a, add(b,c))
identity_add(a)    =  add(a,zero(a)) == a
function successor(a::T, b::T) where T
    a, b = minmax(a,b)
    sumres = a
    for _ in one(b):b
        sumres = add(sumres, one(b))

    sumres == add(a,b)

To check that the properties hold, we first need to define a generator for our input. In this case, we are interested in integers, so let's define a simple generator that just draws some random numbers. The most basic generator PropCheck provides is itype, which generates values of a given type:

using PropCheck

gen = PropCheck.itype(Int)

which we can then use to check that our identity_add property holds:

julia> check(identity_add, gen)

Perhaps unsurprisingly (we're only forwarding to + after all), the property holds - PropCheck was unable to find a counterexample.

Here's an example for a property that doesn't hold, showing how PropCheck handles generated cases that fail:

julia> failprop(x) = add(x, one(x)) < x;

julia> check(failprop, gen)
┌ Info: Found counterexample for 'failprop', beginning shrinking...
└   Counterexample = 909071986488726633
[ Info: 10 counterexamples found for failprop

PropCheck, once it finds a counterexample to our property (i.e., an input to the property that makes the property error or return false), tries to shrink the counterexample to a smaller one, pinpointing the failure to one that is more manageable when debugging. In this case, the integrated shrinker itype(Int) tries to minimize the absolute value of the generated number that still fails the property, which is 0 - 0+1 is, after all, not smaller than 0.


There is a subtle bug here - if x+1 overflows when x == typemax(Int), the resulting comparison is true: typemin(Int) < typemax(Int) after all. It's important to keep these kinds of subtleties, as well as the invariants the datatype guarantees, in mind when choosing a generator and writing properties to check the datatype and its functions for.

We've still got three more properties to test, taking two or three arguments each, but itype only ever generates one value. Since we know the number of arguments to each function, we can pair a integrated shrinker for the appropriate arguments with splatting those arguments into the property with Base.splat to test them:

using Test
@testset "Addition" begin
    @test check(identity_add,       itype(UInt))
    @test check(splat(commutative), itype(Tuple{UInt, UInt}))
    @test check(splat(successor),   itype(Tuple{UInt, UInt}))
    @test check(splat(associative), itype(Tuple{UInt, UInt, UInt}))
Test Summary: | Pass  Total  Time
Addition      |    4      4  0.9s

Be aware that while all checks pass, we do not have a guarantee that our code is correct for all cases. Sampling elements to test is a statistical process and as such we can only gain confidence that our code is correct. You may view this in the light of Bayesian statistics, where we update our prior that the code is correct as we run our testsuite more often. This is also true were we not using property based testing or PropCheck at all - with traditional testing approaches, only the values we've actually run the code with can be said to be tested.